domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

An update of the unfinished 7th novel

It has been ages, but I finally wrote a whopping 1000 new words of the unfinished 7th novel of An Ominous Book, Harlequins.

I had been in a writers block for months regarding this novel. 70% of the draft has been written including the surprising ending, but the prelude to the final battle evaded me. I am glad to say I wrote a connecting scene and brushed a little text of some other scenes.

The exciting final battle hasn't been written yet where we will get to see Gulraj cause some long awaited havoc but this written scene is sure a huge help.

I don't know when I'll have some free time to continue writing, but maybe I will get to finish this novel before 2017 ends afterall.

In the meanwhile, there's 6 published novels that are still more than sufficient time to keep you busy while I continue finding scant moments to write and finish the elusive 7th novel.

Cheers everyone!

You will someday get to read Hama's adventures!

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