sábado, 25 de noviembre de 2017

An Ominous Book Big Sale bonanza

This weekend and finishing Cyber Monday, all 6 of my published ebooks are 99 cents only on Amazon. You can pretty much get all 6 books that are over 500,000 words total for only 6 bucks!


Get these books via Amazon by clicking on the images!!!

Feeling good about reviewing

One of the things that drives me to read more books is the fact that I love to write a review after I finish reading it. I just don't understand why so many avid book readers feel timid about expressing what they think about a book. Maybe I'm biased because since I have already written several books, the writing part isn't so hard but you don't need to be a Nobel Literature laureate to write a review. Just a 2 sentence comment will suffice to grant some seriousness to the author's hard earned work. I am currently close to finishing the 5 book series known as "The Uniters Code" by Shannon Reber. It seems like a bit after posting two reviews on Amazon, someone decided to purchase the 2nd and 3rd book and already posted a review of the 2nd book. I'm certain the author must be thrilled to see so many reviews in a short amount of time. Unfortunately it's really, really hard to get reviews of your books on the big pages. I sometimes get star ratings on Goodreads, but reviews carry the heaviest amount of street cred. If you enjoy or hate a book, don't feel shy and write a review. Me? Well, while I have read a few books that the author personally requested of me and either loved or stated the book as so/so, I'm certain the effort helped the author. If you have read my novels, will you take 5 minutes and write a review?

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?

I'm such a nut. I had never even heard of this event until I published An Ominous Book and by that time I commented to myself that there was little point in participating in NaNoWriMo if my novels are over 50,000 words and mainly need heavy editing.

I have been stalling a lot of my writing this year due to my cruelly long work hours and swore to myself I'd avoid NaNoWriMo 2017 like the plague. And then I have an awesome dream this morning of a kickass urban fantasy plot idea. Crap, I... must... write.. urge... to resist... impossible.

So here I am enjoying one of my rare freebie days and I somehow logged a whopping 9301 words and still have almost 4 weeks to finish an additional 40,000 words. Holy cow!

Now, I must dare say the draft will not be as good as I want and it will need editing, but the purpose of his event is to write a plot idea even if the writing sucked and then clean it up. Heck, who knows if I will ever publish it but I do indeed fancy publishing a novella for a change that isn't related to my already published novels.

Here is the plot excerpt:

Stuart and Barbara went from hell to heaven in the blink of an eye. After a perilous escape from Somali pirates, the two engineers reach a gorgeous vessel that is commanded by a mysterious man with jewels instead of eyes named Rovan.
Ecstatic with their change of fortune and living a perpetual dream, Barbara and Stuart start to realize there is something wrong...
If I ever finish this novella (the shortness of the story all points to I could do this!), I'll need ARC readers to issue comments and complaints. Feel free to sign up for my mailing list HERE and not only get the first An Ominous Book novel for free, but to have the chance to know when I may need readers.

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