Now, I know the UNAM University has a few online bachelor degrees that are dirt cheap and presumably equivalent to the whole enchilada undergrad degree. I myself would have jumped the bandwagon for a fun associates degree a few years ago had it not been I am currently doing a postgrad degree which absorbs most of my free time.
I just learned about a new pilot language website called the "Ambiente Virtual de Idiomas" which offers Spanish language speakers freebie stuff to learn English, Italian and French.
I couldn't care less about learning English, but tons of people will surely enjoy this feature from the website.
French is not a top language I would be interested in learning, but for anyone with a huge desire to visit a Francophone country (me! me!), maybe it will come in handy.
Hopefully they will expand the website and offer more material. Why not give it a try?
Unidades de Apoyo para el Aprendizaje (English language material only)
and a second website:
Ambiente Virtual de Idiomas (AVI)